Care Ministry Network International (CMNi) is primarily directed towards the local congregation. Its intent is to provide pastors and leaders the opportunity to train and develop their people to come alongside them to provide Biblical and practical care to all who are part of the church family.


What Othersare Saying


This application of ministry cannot be done by the pastor alone. Some have tried, most have failed.


Trying to be everything to everybody all of the time has become practically impossible in the world we live in today. The demands on pastors have become unrealistic and causing them to fail and, in the process, seriously restricting the needed progress of the church.


Pastors feel guilty when they cannot satisfactorily care for their people which oftentimes causes them to lose sleep, become anxious, get discouraged, and even fall into depression. Church members, on the other hand get upset because they feel neglected since leaders are not responsive to their needs.


For all the above reasons and many more, CMNi has designed a new paradigm for pastoral care that will enable churches to provide effective care to hundreds of families. The Care Ministry Network which is an authentic and proven system of congregational care that enables church members to care for one another. It is applicable in all churches, regardless of its denomination or its size.


The Care Ministry Network functions as an extension of the Lead Pastor’s vision, which is designed to be a collaborative effort between pastors and church members in their effort to provide meaningful care to the entire congregation.


Care Pastors*

do not replace

the Lead Pastors –

they represent them.


Although the Care Ministry should run on the feet of the members, it can never be separated from the pastor as little as the musician in the symphony orchestra can ignore the direction of the conductor.


*We call them “Care Pastors”. You may call them whatever fits your church culture.



Congregational care should be intentional, structured, and planned, and available to all members. If not, it will never be effective and never reach its full potential. For that reason, we have levels of leadership, lines of authority, and avenues of communication. This underscores the importance of in-depth training and development. CMNi helps the local church to develop these different levels of ministry and leadership to effectively accomplish its mission.



The key to the Care Ministry concept is Five Points of Contact. Each Care Pastor is trained and developed to make five simple points of contact with each of their family units in a prescribed way. This is the GLUE that brings the entire ministry of care together and provides the safety net, which prevents people from falling through the cracks.


CMNi has developed all the required handbooks and training guides for church leaders to develop an effective care system in their churches.


We also cover aspects such as churches with multi campuses, those who have cell groups (Small groups) and also multiple services.



We make available to you the easy-to-follow instructions for successfully implementing the Care Ministry Network in your church. We provide pastors and leaders with step-by-step directions to announce, launch, and roll-out the care system in their churches. Additionally we provide all the relevant supplemental material, which includes things like, setting up the launch, arranging for a training conference, sermon outlines for pastors, model letters for use in the roll-out, job descriptions for all involved, application forms for potential Care Pastors, template of Graduation Certificate, and the list goes on.


As we develop new material, it will be clearly announced and made available to all who are part of the Care Ministry Network.


CMNi has already

done all the work

for you!


Through the Care Ministry Network, we purpose to basically fulfill the following:

  1. Help people discover and develop their spiritual gifts.
  2. Release people to function according to their giftedness.
  3. Empower church members to care for one another.
  4. Provide a network of care that reaches all members of the congregation.
  5. Significantly close the proverbial “back door”.
  6. Cultivate a culture of care in the church (which is more than a program).
  7. Be a catalyst in promoting spiritual maturity.



Copyright © 2024 SpiritWind International/CMNi. All rights reserved.