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A must read for pastors and churches who desire to launch an effective care ministry network within their congregation!
The Care Revolution thoroughly expounds on the need for a new paradigm in pastoral care in the 21st century and then methodically explains the care ministry concept in an easy-to-understand way. The bottom-line of the concept holds that the pastor cannot effectively do pastoral care alone and should therefore help their people become equipped and prepared to partner with them to provide ongoing congregational care to the entire body.
It contains the latest information on the subject of congregational care and elucidates why our traditional mindset of doing pastoral care stifles the growth of a church. It gives the reader the ability to understand the benefits of an effective care ministry system while clarifying that ministry does not belong to an exclusive few within the body of Christ.
The Care Revolution is filled with Biblical truth on the subject of love and care and references many prolific authors on the theme. There are many thought-provoking chapters, including Why People Act the Way They Do, helping the reader understand that all people have necessities of life, and when not met, causes anxiety, which oftentimes leads to frustration and disengagement – a matter often ignored by the church. The reader will also uncover ways of discovering, developing, and deploying their spiritual gifts.
This book covers more than only the aspect of congregational care and the need for a new mindset. Church members will be strongly motivated to enthusiastically become involved in their churches while pastors will find ample material to assist them to preach and teach on the subject of congregational care and other relevant matters.
...some excerpts from the book
Pastors often impede the health and growth of their churches by having the notion that they should be available to all the people all the time. Wrong mentality. An exceptionally gifted pastor can do most of the pastoral care up to 200 people, but when it goes beyond that number, he or she burn out, or the church collapses. There should be a meaningful system of pastoral care in every congregation, regardless of its size. Sincere care is at the heart of the life of a congregation; if your pastoral care fails, so will your mission. The solution is to enlarge the footprint of your ministry by involving church members to provide ongoing congregational care to each other. p 20/21
We tend to be focused on adding more and more people to our churches, but in the process, disregarded those sheep who are bleating for attention. We forever want to go beyond, build more prominent churches, and gain more people, but we never seem to get there, because more people are falling off the back of the wagon than we are trying to load on the front end. That is frustrating, but why is that happening? p 46
The veracity of the matter is that the traditional way of doing pastoral care generates a means of co-dependency among church members, relying on their pastor for all their need-fulfillments, while the pastor, on the other hand depends upon the congregation to provide their personal sense of worth. It has created an unhealthy scenario. p 51/52
Conventional pastoral care as such, is a well-known subject, but a proven system of care, provided by church members, to the entire congregation, on a regular basis, is not. Attracting people is not difficult but retaining them could be. If we succeed in drawing people to our churches continually but fail to assimilate them efficiently, we may understand what Rick Warren means when he says: “It’s like pastoring a parade!” p 56
If we are not taking care of the people the Lord has already given us, why should He send us anymore? p 62
Care is not primarily an emotion; it is an act of compassion. If you can love people, you can care for people. It doesn’t take a professional to love—it only takes a person that has experienced the love of Christ. Our churches are full of people who have the giftedness to come alongside their pastor and provide the care that is essential. p 325
Having been a pastor for many years, I believe the effectiveness of any healthy church is determined by church members and their pastor partnering together in ministry. The responsibility and demands are far too great for only one person, or even a select few, to accomplish. This rings especially true when it comes to pastoral care. Our churches will once again be reignited with new passion when we decide to get congregational care right. The contagious churches of the next century will be different from traditional churches today. One revolutionary difference will revolve around pastoral care. The exciting prospect is that everyone in the congregation will receive regular pastoral care from a gifted and trained layperson.
Dr. Jim Garlow
Lead Pastor
Skyline Church, La Mesa, California
It is with great joy and elation that I write this recommendation for John Bosman who I regard as the consummate pastor. We have known each other for many years and had the privilege of ministering together at different events. I had the pleasure of preaching at his church on more than one occasion, which availed me the opportunity of seeing their church in action. I was not surprised to realize why it had become such a significant congregation with so many people involved in ministry. As my friend, he has also ministered at Church of His Presence, and has furthermore faithfully served on our Church’s Board of Directors for many years. The Scripture declares, there are not many fathers. I regard John as an apostolic father in the church today and is the reason why I value his insight so much.
Pastor John Kilpatrick
Lead Pastor
Church of His Presence, Daphne, Alabama
If anyone is ever qualified to write a book on pastoral care, Dr. John Bosman is that person. He has built a pace-setting church under challenging circumstances and ascribes its success to the scores of committed believers in the congregation. If every church would get a hold of the simple truths John conveys in The Care Revolution, I am convinced pastoral care in the church in America would be revolutionized. For a church to increase its relevance and become effective in any community, we must once again enable all of God’s people to take back the work of the ministry and allow their pastors to lead the congregation, cast the vision, and become their ministry-coach.
Pastor Denny Duron
Lead Pastor
Shreveport Community Church, Shreveport, Louisiana
You hold in your hands a book that comes out of the heart of a man with compassion, a demonstrated pastor and a superlative communicator. I know John Bosman up close and personally from sharing the speaker’s platform with him on numerous occasions. He speaks and writes with clarity, precision and insight. John built a dynamic congregation in Lake Charles, Louisiana by utilizing the gifts and abilities of the members. He thoroughly believes that the church should not run on the feet of the clergy, but on the feet of the laity - (one of his own quotes). The Care Revolution will undoubtedly become a prized directive for pastors and churches. In it he shares proven principles for congregational care and clarifies the valid reasons why we need A Proven New Paradigm for Pastoral Care, and especially how we can bring it into reality. He has done it; he knows how.
Pastor J. Don George
Lead Pastor
Calvary Church, Irving, Texas
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